Introduction - Notes


1. R.M. Bucke, Cosmic Consciousness (NY: E.P. Dutton & Co., 1923; originally published by Innes & Sons, 1901), intro.

2. Bucke, 328.

3. William James, "Varieties of Religious Experience," in James, Writings: 1902-1910 (NY: Literary Classics of the United States, 1987), 356-357.

4. Raymond A. Moody, Jr., Life After Life (NY: Bantam Books, 1975), 75.

5. Melvin Morse, Closer to the Light (NY: Ivy Books, 1990), 169.

6. Betty J. Eadie, Embraced by the Light (Placerville, CA: Gold Leaf Press, 1992; and Bantam Books, 1994), 41. ul Perry. Saved by the Light (NY: Harper Collins, 1994), 5-10.

7. Dannion Brinkley, with Pa

8. Brinkley, with Perry. At Peace in the Light (NY: Harper-Collins, 1995), 144.

9. Moody, Life After Life, 111-128. 10. Bede, A History of the English Church and People, trans. Leo Sherley-Price (Harmondsworth, England: Penguin Books, 1968), 289-293. Quoted by Moody in Reflections on Life After Life (Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1977), 65-66.

11. Moody, Reflections, 74.

12. Frederick H. Holck, "Life Revisited (Parallels in Death Experiences)." Omega 9, 1 (1978-79), 1-11.

13. Carol Zaleski, Otherworld Journeys: Accounts of Near-Death Experiences in Medieval and Modern Times (NY and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987), 125.




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