The Near-Death Experience in Retrospect - Notes

1. Aldous Huxley, The Doors of Perception of Heaven and Hell (NY: The Perennial Library, 1990; first published in New York by Harper and Row, 1954), 89.

2. Walter N. Pahnke and William A. Richards, "Implications of LSD and Experimental Mysticism," Journal of Religion and Health 5 (1966), 175-208.

3. Alan Watts, In My Own Way (NY: Vintage, 1973); Huston Smith, "Do Drugs Have Religious Import?" Journal of Philosophy 41 (1964): 517?530; and Stanislav Grof, "Varieties of Transpersonal Experience," Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 4 (1972): 45-80.

4. Ronald Siegal, "Accounting for 'Afterlife' Experiences," Psychology Today 15, 1 (Jan. 1981): 64-75.

5. Provonsha, J.W. "Life after Life: Do Some People Really Die and Come Back to Life?" Life and Health (Jan. 1981): 14-15.

6. D. Scott Rogo, "Ketamine and the Near-Death Experience," Anabiosis 4, 1 (Spring 1984): 87-96.

7. Walter N. Pahnke, "LSD-Assisted Psychotherapy with Terminal Cancer Patients," Current Psychiatric Therapies 9 (1969): 144-52.

8. William Richards, "LSD-Assisted Psychotherapy and the Human Encounter with Death." Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 4, 1 (1972): 121-50.

9. Stanislav Grof, "LSD and the Human Encounter with Death," Voices 8, 64 (Winter 1972-73): 64-77.

10. Daniel Carr, "Endorphins at the Approach of Death," Lancet 8261 (Feb. 1981): 390.

11. Cyril Burt, "Out-of-the-Body Experiences," ch. 12 of Psychology and Psychical Research (London: Society for Psychical Research, 1968): 76-90.

12. Richard S. Blacher, "To Sleep, Perchance to Dream...," JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association 242, 21 (November 23, 1979), 2291.

13. Ernst A. Rodin, "The Reality of Death Experiences: A Personal Perspective," The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 168, 5 (May 1980): 259-263.

14. Michael B. Sabom, "The Near-Death Experience," JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association 244, 1 (July 4,1980): 29-30.

15. Michael B. Sabom, "Commentary on 'The Reality of Near-Death Experiences' by Ernst Rodin," Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 168 (1980): 266?67.

16. Ian Stevenson, "Comments on "The Reality of Near?Death Experiences: A Personal Perspective,'" Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 168, 5 (May 1980): 271-72.

17. Nathan Schnaper, "Comments Germaine to the Paper Entitled 'The Reality of Death Experiences' by Ernst Rodin," Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 168, 5 (May 1980): 268-70.

18. Ronald K. Siegal, "The Psychology of Life after Death," American Psychologist 35 (Oct. 1980): 911-31.

19. Jan Ehrenwald, "Survival after Death?" Ch. XXII in The ESP Experience: A Psychiatric Evaluation (NY: Basic Books, 1978), 231-36.

20. Russel Noyes, Jr. "Near-Death Experiences: Their Interpretation and Significance," in Between Life and Death, ed. Robert Kastenbaum (NY: Springer, 1979), 73-88.

21. Susan Blackmore, "Visions from the Dying Brain," New Scientist (May 5, 1988): 43-46.

22. Uri Lowenthal, "Dying, Regression, and the Death Instinct," Psychoanalytic Review 68, 3 (Fall 1981): 363-370.

23. Glen O. Gabbard and Stuart W. Twemlow, "The Near-Death Experience," Part 3 of With the Eyes of the Mind: An Empirical Analysis of Out-of-Body States (NY: Praeger, 1984), 123-66.

24. Mortimer Ostow, "The Metapsychology of Autoscopic Phenomenon," International Journal of Psychoanalysis 41 (1960): 619-25, and N. Lukianowicz, "Autoscopic Phenomena," AMA Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry 80 (Aug. 1958): 199-220.

25. Dorothy Ayers Counts, "Near-Death and Out-of-Body Experiences in a Melanesian Society," Anabiosis 3, 2 (Dec. 1983): 115-35.

26. Celia Green, Lucid Dreams (Oxford: Institute for Psychophysical Research, 1968).

27. John C. Lilly, The Deep Self: Profound Relaxation in the Tank Isolation Technique, (NY: Simon and Schuster, 1977).

28. Nathan L. Comer, Leo Madow, and James J. Dixon, "Observations of Sensory Deprivation in Life Threatening Situations," American Journal of Psychiatry 124, 2 (Aug. 1967): 68-73.

29. Susan Blackmore, Dying to Live: Science and the Near-Death Experience (London: Grafton, 1993), 261-64.

30. W. Rahula, What the Buddha Taught (London: Gordon Fraser, 1959), quoted in Blackmore, Dying to Live, 257.


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